Maritime and offshore solutions


We offer a wide range of commercial diving services with a focus on both ships and rigs. We want to be your one stop destination for commercial diving services.

How we work

Our proven process ensures every project is completed with precision, safety, and efficiency. From initial consultation to follow-up, we deliver tailored solutions for ships and rigs.

Initial consultation and assessment

Resource planning



Quality assurance

Reporting and documentation


Initial consultation and assessment

We begin by understanding your specific needs, evaluating project requirements, and creating tailored solutions for ships and offshore rigs.

Initial Consulation and Assessment Meeting

Resource planning

We select the right tools and resources for the project. With a clear understanding of the scope and technical requirements, we develop an accurate execution plan.

planning underwater-repair


Our commercial divers bring all the necessary equipment to the project site to ensure everything is ready for execution.

Ship Maintenance and Repair


We execute the task with precision and in full compliance with industry standards—always maintaining a focus on the highest quality throughout all project phases.

Diver Survace

Quality assurance

Our quality control and inspection ensure compliance with all regulatory and customer-specific requirements. This enables us to fully stand behind the quality of our work.

Rig Platform Diver

Reporting and documentation

We provide detailed reports throughout the entire process, including inspections, test results, and repairs. This ensures full transparency in our work.

Non-Destructive Testing


After project completion, we maintain ongoing communication and offer additional support to ensure long-term success and satisfaction with the services provided.

Case MPI and Visual Inspection

Work history

Explore our proven
track record over the years.

Case studies

Learn how we’ve worked with
clients to deliver exceptional results.


Contact Odin Diving A/S

Reach out to us for inquiries, project collaborations, or to learn more about how our expertise can support your operations.

Send us an email with your questions or project details, and we’ll get back to you promptly.

Call us to discuss your needs or get quick answers to your questions.

PIER 6-4, 9900 Frederikshavn

Visit us at our headquarters or find us at the dock in Frederikshavn.

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