Learn more about Odin Diving A/S


Find all our articles, guides and insights from Odin Diving A/S on underwater repair, maintenance, rental, and more.

Underwater Welding Company

Odin Diving A/S is a leading underwater welding company with experienced underwater welders certified to both to both AWS D3.6M:2017 and ISO 15618-1:2016 to most positions, all approved by Lloyds Register and/or DNV-GL.

Gothenburg anchorage

Odin Diving A/S can reach Gothenburg anchorage within 4 hours from the Port of Frederikshavn. We offer a wide range of underwater services within: Inspections, Maintenance, Repair

SKAW anchorage

Odin Diving A/S can reach SKAW anchorage within 30 minutes from the Port of Skagen – and 1.5 hour from the Port of Frederikshavn. We offer a wide range of underwater services within: Inspections, Maintenance, Repair

Commercial diving equipment

One of the most crucial aspects of our business is our commercial diving equipment. It is our commercial diving equipment that allows us to carry out work within inspection, maintenance and repair of ships and rigs.

Contact Odin Diving A/S

Reach out to us for inquiries, project collaborations, or to learn more about how our expertise can support your operations.

Send us an email with your questions or project details, and we’ll get back to you promptly.

Call us to discuss your needs or get quick answers to your questions.

PIER 6-4, 9900 Frederikshavn

Visit us at our headquarters or find us at the dock in Frederikshavn.

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